School Counselors NM

College Application Month

November is College Application Month. Click HERE to access the toolkit.

College Application Month

November is College Application Month. Click HERE to access the toolkit.

NMSCA Annual Conference

Uptown Sheraton - 2600 Louisianna Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 2600 Louisianna Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, United States

Join NMSCA and Dr. Russell A. Sabella for the annual NMSCA Conference addressing Solution Focused Brief Counseling. Solution focused brief counseling (SFBC) is an elegant and powerful approach to helping students and other stakeholders make positive changes. Learn a practical approach that can be used in individual counseling, small groups, parent conferences, teacher consultations, classroom […]

Don Tarry, PNM – Junior Achievement Virtual Career Speaker Series

November 9th, @ 1:00 PM MT: Don Tarry, PNM Register Here: Please Note: Please inform students to register with a different email other than their numerical email. We are unable to send emails to those accounts. Registration for each event closes at 9:00 AM on the day-of We send out the Google Meet link to all […]

NM School Counselors’ Community Monthly Meeting

New Mexico School Counselors’ Community Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month from 2:30-3:30 p.m.  Join us as we meet to share information, announcements, and discuss important issues facing school counselors. To register for the AY2022-23 series of meetings, click HERE.